Wotofo Sub-Ohm Coils 3pk for SMRT Pod RPM 2 Kit

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Wotofo Replacement Sub-Ohm Coils 3pk

F O R S M R T P O D R P M 2 K I T .

Replacement sub-ohm coils for the SMRT Pod RPM 2 Kit from Wotofo.

#D33 Clapton Mesh Coil

Resistance: 0.15Ω

Power Range: 40W-60W

Best Power: 45W-50W

#D34 Net Mesh Coil

Resistance: 0.20Ω

Power Range: 30W-55W

Best Power: 45W-55W

#D32 Dual nexMESH Coil

Resistance: 0.16Ω

Power Range: 20W-40W

Best Power: 25W-35W

#D31 A1 Conical nexMESH Coil

Resistance: 0.15Ω

Power Range: 35W-50W

Best Power: 45W-50W

Sold in 3 packs.

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