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WARNING: This Product Contains Nicotine. Nicotine is an Addictive Chemical.
(Winners Announced) Chance To Win: Mix Edition! My Vpro

(Winners Announced) Chance To Win: Mix Edition!

We've got another awesome chance to win for our amazing customers and visitors! Free to enter, this chance to win offers 5x prizes! 1st-2nd place winners will receive a random color OBS Cube 80w Mod and 3rd-5th place winners will receive a random color Vandy Vape RATH RDA, 1x prize per winner.

In order to win this giveaway, entrants must have a valid USA address where we are legally allowed to ship and must purchase a $6.00 Adult Signature Fee for the purposes of shipping and handling.

Good Luck Everyone!


Previous article (Winners Announced) Chance To Win: Wotofo SRPNT RDA
Next article (Winners Announced) Chance To Win: Vandy Vape Jackaroo Mini Kit!


Keith L - September 8, 2021

Can’t beat a good single coil restricted DL atty, love Taifuns, the Tripod, etc.. usually have to go the clone route though. Also busted out some old Goblins recently, the OG, the Mini v1 (absolutely beautiful aesthetic, terrible fill design haha), and the Mini v3 (forgot how much I loved that tank). Classics!

Andrii - September 8, 2021

Thanks for the chance, cool device.Done mechanical 100%

Cameron - September 8, 2021

My favorite RTA at the moment is the new Vandy Vape MATO. Love it, super easy to build and wick…. fantastic vape experience. Would totally recommend to anyone. Plus it looks so cool.

stacy - September 8, 2021

Hellvape Destiny 24mm RTA

STEVE NOVAK - September 8, 2021

dont have any

David V - September 8, 2021

The absolute best RDA and the market right now is the Reload Vapor, Reload S RDA. It’s a single coil atty, It has the same type of deck as the Recurve RDA, that “half pipe” honey comb style airflow that surrounds the coil, but the difference is the Reload S RDA not only has airflow on the sides of the coil but it also has extra airflow holes underneath the coil which greatly improves the flavor, and we all know how flavorful bottom airflow attys can be, the Recurve only has side airflow, and if u like the Recurve, imagine it with bottom airflow as well, it’s like the Recurve on steroids. Plus it is nearly leak proof. It has top down airflow control, it has an airflow slot placed pretty high up on the top cap and channels the airflow down to the side and bottom honeycomb slots, so basically u can drip or squonk till ur entire coil is completely submerged in liquid and there’s still no chance of it leaking, and I mean it, completely submerged. I use mine as a squonker, pretty much exclusivly, and I absolutely LOVE IT!!! The flavor production is the best, amazing flavor, much better than the Recurve, and it’s super easy to build on, it’s simply amazing. A pretty big con tho, is it’s a bit pricey, about $60, but it is well worth the money, trust me. If you have the vape budget for one of these I would HIGHLY recommend picking one up ASAP, u will understand exactly the way I feel about it after just one hit. REAL TALK!

Stu Dowling - September 8, 2021

My fvorite tank on the market today? Wow, all my faves are older stuff although I like the Rath & I’m currently enjoying the Arbiter RTA. Thanks for the chance.

Gray - September 8, 2021

My favorite has to be the berserker mtl. Wonderful flavor and the options for airflow are phenomenal.

Troy P. - September 8, 2021

TBH, I have a few Favorites lol… I think my All time Favorite Sub-Ohm Tank would have to be between the FREEMAX FIRELUKE SERIES or the GEEKVAPE ZEUS?! But, like I mentioned there are some others that come close or Equal to! Now, for my Preference of the amount of Nic. I use (in mg’s) depends on if I’m using a MTL Device or DL/RDL Device. So, If I’m in the mood for DL Vaping I use between 6-12mg. Nic and if I’m out & about and need to be a little more discreet, I’ll use MTL with 35-50mg. of Nic. Salt

Troy P. - September 8, 2021

TBH, there are a few RDA’s, RTA’s, Sub-Ohm Tanks I like on the market right now… But, If I Really had to choose between all the ones I’ve tried, I would have to go with FREEMAX Fireluke 3 Sub-Ohm, DOVPO × BOGAN Blotto RTA and GEEKVAPE Z (Zeus) RDA.

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