The Dr. Dabber Boost Evo has been painstakingly built from the ground up, incorporating proprietary technology, with one goal in mind:the perfect dab, Achieving the perfect dabevery sinle time youuse your vapoizer is an oten ovedoked metic, st, most yapoizers on the market have itle or no temperature control, callbrated to continuousy heat uyuntil a specinc time when it cuts ol. This eads to a ridlculous vamiance in the temperature you are dabbing at,whicn doesn't make sense to us. Unlke anyting else on the market, thBost Evo has a patent pendino temperature control sensor buit in This means that when you are dialed in, you are DAlED iN. With six heat setnas that have been calbrated withthe help of customer feedback from tens of thousands of Boost users, you can rely on your Boost Ev0 to be consistent every single time.
Pair that technoloay with a custom auartz dish.interchangeable dlas,soectacar RG ambient iohting, and surrisinaly ono batery life for such a portable device. the Dr. DabbeBoost EvO is truly the next generation of the eRig, Available in two colors - Moon white & Eclipse Black.
Six Temperature Settings-500-750° F
Eleven Second Heat Up Time
Revolutionary Magnetic Quartz Atomizer with built-in temperature sensor
Quick Connect Adapter with airflow release
Straight quartz to glass vapor pathway
Enhanced ergonomics with grip pads
Five RGB light modes plus Stealth Mode for discrete dabbing
Exceptional battery life with built-in protection against overvoltage and short circuits
60+ hits on a single charge
20 or 40-second hold time
Pass through usB-C charging
Auto shutoff after 15 minutes
Durable and protective carrying case included
Boost Evo Dimensions:
Height: 4"(without glass),7.75"(with glass)
Diameter: 2.83"
Boost EVO Kit Contents:
Dr. Dabber Boost EVO
Boost EvO Quartz Atomizer
Boost EVO Replacement Glass Attachment Boost EVO USB-C Charger
Boost EVO Quick Connect Adapter
Boost EvO Loading Tool
Electronic Cioareltes are intended for use by existing smokers of the leaal smokin ae, children should not use pregnant women who may become preanant or anyone with pre-existino medical conditions wthout first consuting their dotor. Electronic Cioaretes are not meant to cure, treat, or prevent any ilness or disease. AK Whalesale products are intendedto be used as a tobacc alternative. These products are not marketed as smoking cessaion, nor have they been tested. Keep out of reach from children & pets.
ols wilonly work on a device capable of firino atomizars, You must ensure that vour batteres can hande atomizers and coils, please use at vour own risk and awavs use proplorecauions and handina as these are very senstiwe to charing characterstirs an mav exlode or bum ifnot nrpery handed pease note that there is an imerent risk with usinoany col or device and al rechargeable bateries.AK Wholesale Inc, is not responsilble for any damae, inury, or defect caused by the improperuse and mishanding of cols, devicesi-ion (lithium-ion. ipo (lithium-ion poymer, and any rechareable batteries and charrs,. please use at your own risk, and before use, read the user's manual carefuly.his product can expose you to nicotine known to the State of calfomnia to cause conenital disabiities or other reprouctive harm, This product is notrecommended for preanantwomen or peole with cardiowvascular isues. Always ensure that any E-juice is kept out of reach from children and pets. for more information, go to htp:/www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.