SWITCH: Oil Induction cup The Switch oil induction Cup is specificaly desiqned foruse with il in the Dr. Dabber Switch. These Gr2 Titanium cups have a medicalgrade ceramic coating on the heating surface for optimal healdistribution.
SWITCH: Leaf Induction Cup
The Switch Leaf induction u is specifcal designed for use with fowers in the Dr. Daber Switch. These Gr2 Ttanium cupshave a medcahgrade cerami coatingon the heating surace foropimal healdistribution.
SWITCH: Sic Induction cup The sic (silion carbide induction cup is an utra-remium acesoy desioed spedifcaly wth ol for the SWITCH paced nsidea tanum u, the sic insertis iotbweioitan hiony uable. ape owithstand very high temperatures. Wth the sic inducton up's higherthermal conductivity, you can achieve your desired heat at a much lower temperature seting while obtaining great favor - tnuly a lxury dabbing experience. DISCLAlMER: Thesic Induction cup should be maintained wth the same pcedues as the saophire inducion Cup: howevetthe sic inducion cup can wthstandtochinn to dean. Donot dlean wth a wetatip, and do not use cleaning solutions on the induction cup when it is still hot. SWITCH: Sapphire Induction Cup
The sapphire nducton cup is anuha:emium acesoy designed spencal with ol orthe swcH Paced inshe a Ttanim C. the saphire lnset powides the deaest surace nosihle for you ol anconcentrates -truly a luxury dabbing experience. DISCLAIMER: DO Not use a torch to cdlean sapphire inserts. please wait for the sapphire Induction Cup to cool down to room temperature before washing itwith isopropyl alcohol.
SWITCH: Bubble Carb cap
The SWITCH: Bubble Carb Cap is a great entry-level alternative to the standard carb cap that comes with the SWITCH.Giving the user more control over their vapor experience, the Bubble carb Cap provides directional airflow, alowing for more vapor density and production fiexibility.The SWITCH Glas percolator is spedifcay desioned for optimal ailfow and easy deanina with both oil and fower.larer percoatina holes alow fora smoth, unresticted expeience while decreasna thechance of clogging, This unit is incuded in the SWITCH packaging but can be purchased separately as a replacement or used excusively with oi/flower.
WARNING: cols wil only work on a devce capable ofnna atomizers, You must ensure thatvour bateres can hande atomizars and coils, Please use at yourow iskand awavs use propeprecautions and handing asthese are very sensitive to charging characteristic and may explode or bumn if not propery handed. please note that there is an inherent risk with any colordevice and alrechargeable batteries,Myvpro inc. is not responsible for any damage, injuny, or defect caused by the improper use and mishanding of cois,devices, i-ion(luthium ion),LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer), and any rechargeable batteries and chargers.
Please use at your own risk, and before use, read the manual.